The Badruka School of Management (BSM) is located in Hyderabad and is run by the Badruka Educational Society. This new school was officially opened here on Wednesday by the 73-year-old Hyderabadi society.
“With a history of leading the way in higher education in Hyderabad, we are committed to using BSM to close this gap. According to Srikishan Badruka, Secretary of the Badruka Educational Society, “Our institution will serve to meet the rising needs of Hyderabad, which is currently the most sought-after destination for Indian and global businesses.”
At a 14-acre facility in the Medchal area near Hyderabad, the first 120 students of the AICTE-approved 2-year Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDBM) program will begin classes in August. Applications for the course are currently being accepted.
Prabhu Aggarwal, the dean of BSM, states that ₹19.50 lakh is the cost of your fully residential programme for two years.
“Our curriculum is dynamic, incorporating the most recent industry insights, experiential learning, and real-world difficulties. Our goal is to develop knowledgeable experts and moral leaders who can navigate complex situations with honesty and vision, he stated.
BSM’s multidisciplinary curriculum combines courses designed to meet the needs of the growing business with fundamental management concepts. The society stated that these courses, which include ones in entrepreneurship, design thinking, artificial intelligence/machine learning, and sustainable business, guarantee that students have transferable skill sets for the modern workplace.
BSM will provide specialized tracks in the second year, including finance, marketing, strategy, data analytics and digital technologies, innovation, and entrepreneurship, in addition to these core courses. Leading academics from both domestic and foreign universities will teach these courses, giving students access to perspectives from both fields, it continued.