Microsoft and the Tamil Nadu School Department Collaborate to Increase AI in Education


Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT) and the Tamil Nadu (NS:TNNP) school education department have teamed together to extend Technology Education and Learning Support (TEALS) throughout the state.
The concept, which was initially implemented in 14 schools spread over three districts as a pilot program in the state, will now be expanded to 100 schools. Instructors have received training in game development, artificial intelligence, HTML, C++, and Python.

Students in Classes 8 through 12 will benefit from the project, which is being introduced for the first time in India. Since the start of the current academic year, teachers in Tamil Nadu have been getting training, and they have now begun instructing pupils on the TEALS module.

Microsoft has been educating educators and keeping an eye on their development.

According to Cecil M. Sundar, Director of Data and AI at Microsoft, there will be a significant increase in the need for AI-based professions over the next five to ten years, and students who possess these abilities will have more access to career prospects.

The role and the scope of Artificial Intelligence(AI) is expanding and penetrating in every sector. AI technology is expediting the tasks, simplifying the process and increasing the operational efficiency across the industrial sectors. It would be pragmatic and progressive to introduce the modern technologies of AI and related applications in the schools which will equip the students with the advanced technological mindset and prepare them for the challenges.

The young students can relate the AI applications in the regular life and business, thereby encouraging their innovative and creative potential.