The impact of poverty on education

Reduced access to quality education: Children living in poverty often attend under-resourced schools with larger class sizes, fewer qualified teachers, and outdated materials. These schools might lack essential resources like libraries, laboratories, and technology, hindering access to a well-rounded education.

Negative impact on learning and development: Children from low-income families are more likely to experience food insecurity, inadequate housing, and health problems, negatively impacting their ability to focus, learn, and retain information. 

Increased pressure to drop out: Economic pressures often force children from low-income families to leave school early to contribute to household income through child labor or low-skilled jobs. The perceived lack of economic opportunities associated with education can also decrease motivation and lead to higher dropout rates.

Limited opportunities for higher education: The financial burden of higher education, coupled with limited access to scholarships and financial aid, creates a significant barrier for students from low-income backgrounds.