Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College (SREC) B School: Upgrading You, Professionally

Sri Ramakrishna
Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College (SREC) B School

Knowledge leads to unity, but Ignorance to diversity. Only two kinds of people can attain self-knowledge: those who are not encumbered at all with learning, that is to say, whose minds are not over-crowded with thoughts borrowed from others, and those who, after studying all the scriptures and sciences, have come to realize that they know nothing.” – Shri Ramakrishna Paramhansa.

Thus, inculcating the wisdom of ages, and standing atop by ingraining not only Shri Ramakrishna Paramhansa’s ethos in its very character but christening itself with his name, Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College (SREC) is now being renowned as an Engineering institute offering Master of Business Administration in expansion of its educational reach and scope.

A Premier Tech-Ed Institution of Business Administration

SREC, Coimbatore established in the year 1994 by SNR Sons Charitable Trust, is an autonomous institution reaccredited by NAAC with ‘A+’ Grade offering eleven Undergraduate programmes in the disciplines of Aeronautical, Biomedical, Civil, Mechanical, Electronics and Communication, Electrical and Electronics, Electronics and Instrumentation, Information Technology, Computer Science and Engineering, Robotics and Automation, Artificial Intelligence and Data Science and Integrated five year M.Tech Computer Science and Engineering. The institution offers Six Postgraduate programmes in Engineering and Technology and MBA.

In 2008, Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College (SREC) proudly introduced the MBA Program, further solidifying its reputation as a premier institution for imparting technical education. The MBA program at SREC has garnered widespread acclaim for its innovative and advanced approach to learning, emphasizing interactive, experiential, and participative methods. In only 15 years of commencing the MBA programme, SREC became ‘The Knowledge Review’s Most Recognized MBA Institute of 2023.

Fostering the Freedom of Experiential Learning

Stating the factors behind this extraordinary leap, Dr. R. Mary Metilda says, “As an autonomous institution, we have the freedom to tailor our cutting-edge curriculum, ensuring it aligns seamlessly with industry requirements and reflects world-class practices, thereby promoting experiential learning.”

The Vision and Mission of the MBA department is as follows

Vision––Creating and Nurturing Business Leaders who can contribute to the betterment of Business and Society.


  • Fostering an Inclusive Learning Environment through state-of-the-art curriculum and sustainable management practices.
  • Imparting Professional Values and Ethics by introducing Innovative Practices for holistic development.
  • Raising Competent Leaders through Continuous Industry Interaction and augment Intrapreneurial and Entrepreneurial traits to confront agility in the business milieu.

An Academic Leadership Excellence

A distinguished professional, Dr. Metilda currently serves as the Professor and Head of the Department of Management Studies. She has a diverse background with over 22 years of extensive experience in both industry and academia.

Dr. Metilda holds an engineering degree in Electronics and Communication, an MBA specialising in Marketing, and a PhD in Retail Supply Chain. Her academic contributions are notable, having presented more than 70 papers at various International and National Conferences. She is also recognized as a PhD Guide at both Anna University and Bharathiar University, where she has successfully guided four scholars to attain their PhD degrees under her mentorship.

Dr. Metilda’s exceptional achievements have earned her several prestigious awards and accolades. In 2017, she was honoured as an ‘Outstanding Woman in Management’ by the Venus International Foundation. In 2016, she received the ‘Bharat Ratna Mother Teresa Gold Medal Award’ from GEPRA, and in 2014, she was recognized with the ‘Best Management Faculty Award’ by the Coimbatore Management Association. Her remarkable accomplishments in the field of management are a testament to her dedication and expertise.

Your 360-Degree Education

Sharing the USPs that make them stand out as the most recognized MBA Institute, Dr. Metilda says that it is due to various factors, the prominent amongst which are

Experiential Learning Excellence: SREC’s MBA Institute distinguishes itself through a robust commitment to experiential learning. Rather than just theoretical concepts, it immerses its students in hands-on experiences, ensuring they gain practical insights and skills immediately applicable in the business world. “For instance, our MBA graduates acquire a diverse skill set encompassing entrepreneurship, management, financial acumen, marketing, and sales through the annual marketing melas and bazaars they organize and execute.”

Leadership Enhancement Programme: At the heart of the institution’s reputation is its comprehensive Leadership Enhancement Programme. The institute has tied up with Break Through, a Bangalore-based outbound training centre, for this purpose. “We go beyond conventional curriculum to nurture future leaders, equipping students with the essential qualities and strategies needed to excel in leadership roles.”

Community-Oriented Projects: SREC’s MBA program stands out with its emphasis on community-oriented projects. Dr. Metilda states, “We believe in the power of business to effect positive change in society, and our students are actively involved in projects that address real-world challenges, fostering a sense of social responsibility and creating impactful solutions. A percentage of proceeds of entrepreneurial activities undertaken by our MBA students are donated to social causes.”

Constant Industry-Institute Interactions: She furthers that they maintain a dynamic relationship with the industry, ensuring their curriculum remains up-to-date and relevant. Their students benefit from regular interactions with industry leaders through guest lectures, workshops, and national seminars, panel discussions, thereby gaining valuable insights and networking opportunities that set them on a path to success. Annually, their students benefit from the invaluable insights of over 200 industry professionals through various engagement avenues, including guest lectures, visiting faculty, panel discussions, adjunct faculty, seminars, and workshops. “This enriching experience helps bridge the gap between academia and real-world practice, equipping our students with practical knowledge and exposure to current industry trends and perspectives.”

Diverse Internship Opportunities: To further enrich their learning experiences, SREC’s students have access to three distinct types of internships:

  • Summer Internship:SREC’s summer internship program provides students with the opportunity to gain practical experience during the break, helping them bridge the gap between theory and practice.
  • Capstone Project:The capstone project allows students to apply their accumulated knowledge and skills to a substantial, real-world business challenge, often partnering with organizations to solve complex problems.
  • Final Project:In the culmination of their MBA journey, students undertake a final project that showcases their expertise, often in collaboration with industry mentors, reinforcing their readiness to excel in the corporate world.

International Student Exchange to Malaysia: Besides SREC’s rigorous academic offerings, it provides students with a unique opportunity for international exposure through its student exchange program in Malaysia. Dr. Metilda adds, “Through our Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Asia Pacific University in Malaysia, our students undertake courses and training at these institutions.” This immersive experience broadens their horizons and enables them to gain a global perspective on business and culture.

These USPs collectively contribute to SREC’s MBA Institute’s recognition as a leader in business education, offering a well-rounded and transformative experience for aspiring professionals while providing diverse internship opportunities to bolster their practical knowledge and skills.

According to Dr. Metilda, the education they provide their students offers a wide range of immersive benefits, equipping them with the skills and experiences they need to excel in their careers. Here are some of the key immersive benefits:

Hands-On Learning: “Our curriculum is designed to go beyond theoretical knowledge. We emphasize practical, hands-on learning experiences that allow students to apply what they learn in real-world situations.” This approach bridges the gap between academia and the professional world.

Industry-Integrated Projects: Students engage in industry-specific projects, often collaborating with leading companies. These projects provide insights into industry trends, challenges, and best practices, giving students a competitive edge when they enter the job market.

Global Perspective: SREC’s international exchange programs foster a global perspective. Students gain exposure to different cultures, business practices, and global markets, preparing them to work in an increasingly interconnected world.

Networking Opportunities: SREC’s strong industry connections and regular interactions with business leaders enable students to build a valuable professional network. These connections often lead to internships, job opportunities, and mentorships.

Leadership Development: “Our Leadership Enhancement Programme focuses on nurturing leadership skills, including communication, problem-solving, and decision-making.” Students have the opportunity to lead projects and teams, preparing them for leadership roles in their careers.

Community Engagement: “Our emphasis on community-oriented projects encourages students to give back to society.” These projects instil a sense of social responsibility and teach valuable teamwork and project management skills.

Exposure to Emerging Technologies: SREC stays at the forefront of technological advancements. “Our students have access to cutting-edge tools and resources, ensuring they are well-prepared for the digital age.”

Career Readiness: Through internships, capstone projects, and career development workshops, students are not only academically prepared but also career-ready. They graduate with a strong foundation and practical experience.

Alumni Network: SREC’s alumni network is a valuable resource for students. Graduates join a community of successful professionals who continue to support and mentor each other throughout their careers.

Dr. Metilda claims, “These immersive benefits collectively ensure that our students receive a holistic education that prepares them for the challenges and opportunities of the modern world, setting them on a path to success in their chosen fields.”

Teaching How to Tackle Life’s Challenges

Regarding the challenges faced by SREC initially vis-à-vis its contemporary challenges, Dr. Metilda says that in the early stages of venturing into the educational field, they faced challenges such as establishing credibility and building a strong reputation. Gaining student trust and recruiting experienced faculty members were initial hurdles.

Now, as an established institution, our challenges have evolved. We focus on adapting to rapidly changing educational technologies, meeting diverse student needs, and staying ahead of industry trends to provide relevant, up-to-date curricula.” Additionally, maintaining a commitment to innovation and ensuring affordability for students in a competitive educational landscape remain ongoing challenges.

Techno-Educational Transformations

Being an experienced leader, SREC shares her opinion on how technology is transforming the educational sector and what advancements can be expected in the future. Technology is profoundly reshaping education. The rise of online learning platforms, virtual classrooms, and AI-driven personalized learning are revolutionizing how knowledge is imparted. “In the future, we can anticipate even greater integration of virtual and augmented reality for immersive learning experiences, AI-enhanced adaptive learning systems tailored to individual student needs, and increased emphasis on lifelong learning as technology continually evolves.” The educational sector will become increasingly accessible and flexible, catering to diverse learning styles and needs.

Dr. Metilda furthers that their institute cultivates tomorrow’s business leaders in today’s knowledge-driven economy by offering a curriculum blending theory with practical experience. “Our Leadership Enhancement Programme fosters essential leadership qualities. Industry collaboration keeps students updated on market trends, while community projects nurture social responsibility. Through these efforts, we’re shaping agile, ethical, and innovative leaders poised to excel in tomorrow’s dynamic business landscape.”

Shaping Your Entrepreneurial Spirit

Moreover, she adds that MBA education remains crucial in modern times as it equips students with versatile skills and strategic thinking essential for leadership roles in a rapidly changing business landscape. SREC’s innovation in the sector lies in a dynamic curriculum that blends traditional business knowledge with cutting-edge technology and entrepreneurship. “We emphasize hands-on learning, experiential projects, and industry collaborations, ensuring graduates are not just academically proficient but also agile, innovative, and well-prepared for the evolving demands of the business world.”

Dr. Metilda’s advice to aspiring educators in the field of management education is to cultivate a deep passion for learning and teaching, staying current with industry trends and educational innovations. ‘Gain practical experience to enhance credibility, embrace technological advancements, and adopt student-centred teaching methods. Building a robust professional network and seeking mentorship from experienced educators will further enrich your journey in this dynamic and rewarding field, where a commitment to excellence in both teaching and research is paramount.’

Future’s Global Hub of Business Pedagogy

SREC’s vision for scaling the institute’s scope and offerings in the future is multifaceted. “We aim to expand our program portfolio to encompass a wider range of specialized business disciplines, catering to diverse career interests and emerging industries. Additionally, we plan to enhance our online and blended learning options, ensuring accessibility to a global student base,” divulges Dr. Metilda.

Collaborations with renowned institutions and industry partners will foster cutting-edge research and experiential learning opportunities. Through investments in state-of-the-art facilities and technology, SREC will create a dynamic learning environment that encourages innovation and creativity. “Ultimately, our goal is to elevate our institute as a global hub for business education,” she concludes.