MBA-Tech – Best of Both the Worlds!

Anupama S Shenoy

 A Fusion of Excellence

We live in a world that has been witnessing revolutionary changes. In fact, we are in the midst of a revolution right now. One could call it a Technological Revolution, and it is unfolding before our amazed eyes, confusing us with the power of algorithms.

Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Data Science are becoming household names now and have entered our lives like never before! The last time humankind witnessed a revolution of such a magnitude was the Industrial Revolution. Presently, technology is proven to be a good slave of its human masters, and this can be seen in the business world, where it is harnessed to rev up the growth engines of the industry.

Education as a domain is a maker of civilization; therefore, it has to reflect the changes that are taking place in the world. Constant updating, reviewing, revising, refining, and fine-tuning goes into creating courses for a university to ensure that it is abreast with the latest, most relevant, and fulfilling to meet the needs of the pedagogues.

One such dynamic program is the MBA-tech degree that provides 360-degree exposure to the world to students- a world that runs its business increasingly through technical skills. The MBA-Tech Program, like an MBA degree, is designed to hone and nurture the human skills required to manage businesses. However, it is different from an MBA in many important ways. It enables the students to gain the advantages of a degree in engineering, thus empowering them to fit seamlessly into the business world as tech-savvy business people.

The employability factor is a key factor for selecting an MBA-Tech program. It is true that engineers are armed with certain skills that make them very suitable to work in almost every sector of the economy, but it is often found that though they are efficient with machines, systems, and mechanisms, they lack soft skills or people skills due to the very nature of their profession.

On the other hand, MBA degree holders are seen to be more confident while handling work relationships, team management, and collaborative work. Therefore, a combination of technical and management skills can pay rich dividends for the future of a student. A study conducted by the India Skills Report team in 2023 states that employees should possess extensive knowledge about their domains as well as technical finesse along with critical thinking abilities and keen business acumen. These skills are necessary to operate successfully in the corporate world.

In such a scenario across the globe and particularly in India, a degree program like MBA-Tech can help the students to emerge as employable graduates armed with skills such as technical competency, strong communication skills, critical thinking and problem-solving abilities, leadership, and adaptability. Recruiters are looking to hire candidates with precisely these skills and abilities.

In addition to the above skill enhancement nurturing that takes place, data gathered shows that more engineers end up forming start-ups, the focus area of these entrepreneurial ventures being Information Technology, whereas management graduates prefer to work for the established corporate sector. However, a degree like MBA tech combines the strengths of engineering and management, facilitating the formation of more start-ups since the talent can be better leveraged from the synergies of both streams.

India is at the threshold of becoming a roaring tiger, with a large pool of young people running her economy, and the MBA tech degree will certainly add a much-needed sheen to their capabilities!

About the Author

Anupama S Shenoy is an Assistant Professor, Professional Communication and Ethics in RAIT-School of Engineering, Dr D Y Patil Deemed to be University, Nerul, Navi Mumbai.