8 Unique Dog Breeds You’ve Probably Never Heard Of

Lagotto Romagnolo – An Italian truffle-hunting dog with curly fur and a loyal nature.

Azawakh – A sleek and elegant sighthound from West Africa, prized for its speed and grace.

Thai Ridgeback – Known for its distinctive ridge of hair along the spine and impressive athleticism.

Mudi – A Hungarian herding dog with a curly coat and high intelligence, ideal for working tasks.

Catahoula Leopard Dog – With its striking coat patterns, this American breed is known for its agility and strength.

Xoloitzcuintli – Also called the Mexican Hairless Dog, this ancient breed has a unique look and minimal fur.

Kooikerhondje – A Dutch breed with a lively personality, often used for duck hunting in its homeland.

Norwegian Lundehund – Recognized for its unique anatomy, including extra toes, perfect for hunting puffins on rocky cliffs.